Distinctive Outfits for Your Drinks aka Bar Drinkware Accessories in Dubai
Dear wine, whiskey, cocktail, and gin and tonic aficionados,
Here, we are presenting you with a myriad of ways to treat yourself to exotic drinks. Infused with elegance and injected with creativity, bar drinkware accessories in Dubai are a pure epitome of elegance. A little edgy and a lot stylish, bar drinkware accessories are good at topping off anyone’s imbibing experience with a bit of craziness.
So, let’s start count-downing different ways to outfit your spirits.
- Gin and tonic glasses: Gin and tonic glasses have a balloon-shaped figure (no jokes about your drink companion) and a narrower rim (to cage the aroma to punch it on your nose). Gin globes’ big bellies allow drinks to release their aroma while allowing the botanicals to shine through.
- Martini glasses:Martini glasses’ popularity is enjoying its peak position, and the credit goes to ‘Sex and the City’ and, of course, James Bond. You must have seen James Bond and your favorite ‘Sex and the City’ character’s hands hugging the martini glasses. These glasses have a conical shape that maintains the chill (as Martini is served without ice cubes). Its bottom works magic in keeping the ingredients together.
- Coupe glasses: These broad-bowled saucer-shaped glasses were shaped after the last queen of France’s breasts. Marie Antoinette wanted her court to toast her health by sipping drinks from glasses shaped like her bosom. This bar drinkware accessory has walked centuries to land in the hall of fame. Coupes are good at taking care of your drink (by keeping your drink from sloshing around) even when you are tipsy.
- Old Fashion glasses: Short and stout with a wide mouth, the old fashioned glassessteal the show simply by sitting on the shelves (of course, the credit also goes to its thick, heavy bottom). These glasses give ice cubes and other ingenious ingredients enough room to dance their hearts out. These glasses’ thick body stands out and can make anyone (who sees them) feel envious.
- High Ball glasses:Single liquor cocktails, such as vodka and OJ, Jack and Coke, and Gin and Tonic are served in tall and straight-sided, subtle tinted, and luster finished glasses. A high ball glass is every cocktail aficionado’s favorite outfit for their cocktail. These long suits keep the water-filled bodies (cocktails) effervescent and bubbly for a long time.
- Beer glasses: Goblet, pilsner, tulip, beer mug, American pint –tall, skinny and flare-rimmed bubble glasses revolutionize the beer-drinking experience. These glasses highlight every thirst-quenching and crisp note of your beer. Only beer glasses can best maintain the frothy foam of beer on top of the glass.
- Wine glasses: Wine glasses help us grant the best toast to life while allowing the wine to dance its heart out and release the aroma. Wider bowl, narrow rim, and appealing body shape make these glasses stand out in the sea of bar drinkware accessories.
- Champagne Flutes: Tall, V-shaped stemmed glasses, i.e., flutes, have been the only outfits of Flutes’ slim body best preserves and shows off the bubbles. Flutes won’t let the bubbles go flat and let the aroma escape while you spend the time gazing in your companion’s eyes in the candlelight. Candlelight, champagne, and companion –these three C’s turn your unpleasant experience into an unbelievable one, doesn’t it?
Impress your bumptious home bar by bringing its buddies (bar drinkware accessories) that appreciate the full range of flavors in your drink. Impress every spirit by pairing it with the right glass. Remember that every glass behaves differently to bring out the different aspects of the drink.
Pick your garnishes, dust off antique and exotic bottles, and be ready to wind down the depressing and dull workday. Before you enjoy the booming cocktail scene without visiting the bar, hop on over to Hotelity to buy bar drinkware accessories in Dubai. Wearing style and showing attitude, the collection of all these bar drinkware accessories is sitting on the glossy shelves at warehouse 19, Al Quoz Industrial Area, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Have we missed any bar drinkware accessory? Let us know in the comments!
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